2. Getting Started


If Python is already installed on your computer, PyDePr can be installed using PyPI by opening a command window and typing:

pip install pydepr

Upgrading to a new version of PyDePr can be accomplished by:

pip install pydepr –upgrade

The source code of PyDePr is hosted on GitHub at:


Python Requirements

Required modules: matplotlib, numpy, pandas, seaborn, scipy, scikit-learn, sympy, statsmodels

PyDePr is integrated tightly with PyeDNA, with static helper functions for pulling data directly from eDNA. PyeDNA is not required for most functions in PyDePr, but it will be loaded if necessary.

A requirements.txt document is located in the GitHub repository, and all package requirements can be installed using the following line in a command window:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Python Version Support

Currently, PyDePr only supports Python 3.2+ and is not compatible with Python 2. If Python 2 support is important to you, please make a pull request at:


The package maintainer welcomes collaboration.

Importing PyDePr

Modules in PyDePr are usually imported into a script using the following lines:

import pydepr.regression as regr

import pydepr.inference as infer